2020 Pop Up Shop Schedule

It's with great sadness and disappointment that I have decided not to do anymore in-person pop-ups for the foreseeable future. This is in direct result of the increasing number of cases of COVID 19 in Toronto and the Region of Peel.

Having two little ones, as well as high-risk family members within my bubble, and having an autoimmune disease that would make me more susceptible to experience a heightened and long-term illness, I just can't take the risk.

I truly love interacting with customers and getting to know the people that follow me - it's one of the highlights of having a small business and it is it's greatest reward.

I'm looking forward to the day that my pop ups are back up and running. In the meantime, I will look for more opportunities to bring more awareness to my small business. This will include online markets and potentially placing some of my products in small shops across the city.

I would also to ask you to:
- share my page with friends who you think would love the jewelry that I put together.
- think about me come the gift-giving season in a few week's time.
- keep engaging in and sharing the posts that I share.

Till we meet in person, again,
- Laura


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